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Donation Information

Donation Information

Scrivener Oil Company believes in giving back a portion of our profits to non-profit organizations in the communities we serve.  Each week we receive many requests for donations.  Unfortunately, even though we would like to be able to donate to every cause, it is impossible to do so.  In order to achieve the maximum impact for the most people, we have implemented the following guidelines:

  1. All requests must be submitted by completing our online donation application. All donation applications must be completely filled out and contact information must be accurate.  We can no longer accept requests at the store level, by email, by phone or by mail.
  2. In order to allow the donation committee adequate time to review your request, please submit your request at least 30 days prior to the date of the event.
  3. Submit one request.  Multiple requests will be ignored.

We do not provide donations to:

  1. Individuals
  2. Groups or businesses that do not hold a 501c3 non-profit status
  3. Scholarships
  4. Pageants
  5. Expos, conventions or conferences
  6. Communities that Signal does not serve
  7. Advertising on posters, calendars, sports programs, t-shirts, etc.

If your request meets the above guidelines, please click below to fill out an online donation application.

Click here to apply using our online donation application

Please do not contact Scrivener Oil Company or the store locations to check on the status of your donation.  If the donation committee chooses to award your donation, you will be notified within 30 days of submittal assuming an accurate email is included on your donation application.